Stefan Wallman: Voice, Guitar
Lars Boquist: Guitar, Chorus-voice
Lars Hultman: Bass
Daniel Gese: Drums
Text/Music: S Wallman, L Boquist, L Hultman, D Gese
Dizziness var en världsberömd grupp (i hela Norrköping)
på 80-talet som spelade egen melodisk hårdrock typ Europe.
Dizziness was a world famous band (in the whole Norrköping) on
the 80's that played own tuneful hardrock type Europe.
Visit from Norrköping to Wheelsbridge Town to record Dizziness
with a tube microphone for the voice
(The microphone with built-in mini-tube was received from the Airborne
division at SAAB which used it in the 60's to measure a-sounds from Draken
Take it or leave it (3:51)
I will never love again (4:12)
Burning (4:42)
Dreams (5:30)
Waiting for the midnight (3:15)
Alien attack (4:24)
The music is made available with approval by STIM/n©b.
The sound from ÖC 001 is published by permission of Östgöta