Socialgrupp 3

Matte, Nisse, Gola,

Anders "Nisse" Nilsson:    Bass
Mats "Matte" Larsson:    Drums
Magnus "Gola" Frisk: Voice
Mats "Tage J" Larson:    Guitar
Text/Music: M Frisk

Welcome, we are a band located in Ljungstedska school of Linköping.

From the EP "TUSEN OCH EN NATT..." 1981

Our Epos

Download file with size about 1 MByte/min9-5 (3:24) English lyrics

This is the hit that made the automotive manufacturer SAAB to name a model to "9-5" !

Valued attraction 4(10) in: Svensk Punk/New Wave/Synth 1977-1982
